Quality Management certification

Certification as proof of compliance with desired or required processes is the goal of almost all efforts in quality management.

Quality management is rarely an end in itself. It is almost always associated with concrete goals and, not least, the possibility of appropriate certification as proof that the company really has its procedures and processes under control. It is not without reason that in many industries certifications are also correspondingly obligatory or at least made mandatory by customers and buyers.

On this page we would like to compile some of the most important questions on the subject of certification and quality management as a comprehensive overview and also constantly maintain and expand.

What is certification in quality management?

Certification in quality management is the final proof of consideration and compliance with certain specifications and requirements. The best-known example here is certainly ISO 9001, which forms the basis of almost all modern quality standards. It defines the general requirements for the implementation of a quality management system that must be met. It is recognized worldwide and is absolutely mandatory in many industries and sectors.

What do you need for certification?

First of all, of course, a concrete reason or several reasons. These can be internal, for example the desire for targeted improvement of products and services, or external, for example legal requirements or demands from a potential customer. The path to certification should be strictly scheduled and planned. Appropriately responsible persons must be designated and trained or further trained accordingly. Basically, a positive attitude towards quality management must be given or built up and corresponding structures must be formed. The given processes must be examined with regard to the requirements of the target certification and adapted if necessary. A quality representative ensures that everything runs in a target-oriented manner and that a suitable documentation system can be set up.

Modern quality management can hardly do without suitable software support. Depending on the degree of optimization envisaged, all existing software systems must be integrated or adapted with regard to quality management.

How much does certification cost?

The costs of a certification are of course very individual. The industry, the complexity and the size of the company play an important role here. Initial certifications of small companies often still cost low 4-digit EURO amounts. Upwards, it then quickly becomes more expensive. In addition, there are internal and external costs for consultants, training, hardware and software and other adaptation measures.

Costs for surveillance audits and recertifications are then much lower, but of course also depend on whether important framework conditions (company purpose, product range,...) have changed or not.

How long does the certification take?

The processes leading up to certification are very individual and vary. In most cases, however, a time corridor of 3 to 6 months can be considered realistic. The time required for certification is directly dependent on the factors of company size, given complexity, previous knowledge and existing processes in the area of quality management, the number of employees, and the required scope of documentation.

Who conducts certification audits? Where can you get certified?

In the legally regulated area, certification is always carried out by an independent certification body. Even the selection of the corresponding certification body itself can contribute a lot to the "value" of the certification. Well-known institutions such as TÜV and DEKRA have a (worldwide) high reputation. However, smaller certification bodies can be quite interesting in terms of price.

Who is allowed to certify according to ISO 9001?

ISO 9001 itself specifies who can carry out certification. Companies can initially self-certify (but usually not sufficiently to meet legal requirements or customer requirements). Likewise, a certification process can be initiated and carried out jointly with a corresponding customer or supplier. In most cases, however, certification is of course carried out by a recognized external organization in the form of an accredited certification body.

PeRoBa Quality Management from Munich - Professional consulting on the way to certification

Consulting, implementation, audits and QM tools from a single source

PeRoBa GmbH Munich is a service provider with many years of experience for quality management especially in automotive and mechanical engineering. We help with all important standards (VDA6.3, IATF 16949,...) on the way to certification or re-certification. We also work closely with universities and research institutes. Managing Director Dr. Scherb teaches as a lecturer, for example, at the Hamburger Fern-Hochschule, the FOM in Munich and is also a speaker at the TÜV-Süd Akademie, the Bildungswerk der Bayerischen Wirtschaft and many other institutions.

We look forward to hearing from you. The best way to reach us is by phone at the number
+49 8106 / 230 89 92
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Quality management ISO 9001, VDA 6.3 and IATF 16949 - www.peroba.org